Green Common

Published - 17 July 2023, Monday

Prepare to experience Green Common's energetic environment, which is housed in the busy VivoCity megamall. You'll be welcomed inside by a cheerful and colourful layout that includes a designated retail area and a roomy café area with seating for 112 inside and an additional 36 outside. Wall-to-wall windows let in plenty of natural light, and when you glance up, a beautiful carpet of living moss is suspended from the ceiling, creating a mesmerising picture. Even if you aren't especially looking for vegan options, Green Common Singapore may nevertheless entice you with its pleasant atmosphere. The menu at Green Common features a wide variety of meals that are influenced by both Asian and Western cuisine.

Green Common gives a multitude of options to sate your appetites if you're having an environmentally responsible cheat day. Gardein's crabless cakes, which have zero cholesterol, are a must-try in their Gardein Crab Cake. They have a beautifully flaky texture and a delicate flavour derived from wheat protein, and they are fried to a golden crisp. The Omni Luncheon Fries are popular for snacking that is both guilt-free and enjoyable. The best way to enjoy these crunchy, carcinogen-free fries is to dunk them in Thai chilli sauce. Green Common is a great option for a smooth transition, whether you're a committed meat-lover investigating flexitarian options or just intrigued about adopting a more plant-based lifestyle. Image Credit: Green Common Facebook Page 2nd Image Credit.

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