Jin Ji Teochew Braised Duck & Kway Chap

Published - 03 July 2020, Friday

Image Credit: Jin Ji Teochew Braised Duck & Kway Chap , 金记潮州卤鸭 - Facebook Page


"Jin Ji Teochew Braised Duck" was established in 1980 and has been in business for more than 30 years.

We specialize in Teochew braised duck rice and kway chap.

Most of our customers like our Teochew braised duck because the meat is fragrant, smooth and tender.

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RATED 7.5 / 8
Enjoy a hearty meal of braised duck along with rice or noodles for just S$4.50 by Jin Ji. Delivering their delicious food island-wide, this place is great for tucking into a delicious kway chap or a mind-blowing ramen too.

They do a super tasty one called The Quack Ramen for S$8.50 and it is our go-to comfort food.

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