Nutmeg & Clove

Published - 13 October 2023, Friday

Singapore's rich heritage is brought to life at Colin Chia's culinary sanctuary, Nutmeg & Clove, through a captivating fusion of modern Singaporean cuisine and an innovative cocktail menu.

Incredibly proud of Singapore's transformation from a colonial outpost to a vibrant modern metropolis, Nutmeg & Clove reinvent classic foods and drinks with a distinctive Singaporean flavour using a creative yet traditional methodology.

Every dish and drink tell a tale, enticing guests to discover and rediscover many parts of Singapore's rich culture. The DNA of Singapore is intertwined into every food and beverage, resulting in an authentic and engaging experience.

Guests are invited to embark on a journey of flavours that echo the heart and soul of Singapore at Nutmeg & Clove, which stands as a dining beacon. Image Credit: Nutmeg & Clove Facebook Page 2nd Image Credit

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