Feed Your Insatiable Travel Urges Without Leaving Home

Published - 05 May 2021, Wednesday
  • Kim Forrester

This past year has been incredibly difficult for many people, for many reasons.  For expats, the stress of the past can be exacerbated by the fact that travel is off-limits for the foreseeable future.

Let’s face it: easy and exciting travel is one of the benefits of expatriate living and without the ability to scoot off for a quick getaway, many people may be yearning for a sense of adventure, expansion and change. Thankfully, there are ways we can each mitigate any sense of boredom or resistance that comes from being home-bound:

Ignite your sense of curiosity and wonder in your home location

Humans are incredibly adaptable, and this trait can often work against us when it comes to fulfilling our need for adventure, curiosity and awe. We can easily become blasé about even the most wondrous sights and experiences in our adopted homeland. However, with a little effort, it is possible to rekindle a sense of awe and excitement in your own backyard.

Seek out culturally diverse neighbourhoods, eateries and events; visit unfamiliar corners of the city or country; search for natural or cultural wonders in your area; revisit places you haven’t seen in a while. The trick is to view your home location with fresh eyes and reinvigorate a sense of wonder at the sights, sounds, smells and people that share your home space.

For added emphasis, why not become a virtual ‘travel guide’ seeking out adventures in your local area? Share your experiences on social media and allow others to experience the wonders and secrets of your adopted city or country through your fresh perspective.

Travel for ‘well’ instead of ‘wow’

As invigorating as it can feel to venture into your discomfort zone, it’s incredibly beneficial for your well-being to also seek out destinations and activities that promote calm, nourishment and relaxation. With most world travel on hold or logistically difficult, now is the perfect time to swap ‘travel for wow’ for ‘travel for well’.

It’s hard to overstate the incredible effect that nature has on our emotional health and overall wellbeing. Scientists have discovered that being in natural spaces improves a multitude of physical and cognitive processes, including lowering stress hormones, and slowing our heart rate. So, for the best impact on your health and well-being, seek out remote areas, open spaces, and untouched wildernesses.

Additionally, it’s okay to allow yourself to slow down in this uncertain time. Our modern world is based on the concept of constant doing and action. However, the truth is there is a desperate need for us to do “nothing” on occasion. Therefore, try finding domestic locations that offer (or even force) you to slow the heck down, rest and recuperate.

While seasoned travellers yearn for adventure at this time, many local businesses are struggling without the much-needed tourist dollar. By choosing to become an eager local adventurer, we can lift our own spirits and support our local business owners – the perfect win-win situation.

Kim Forrester is a mother, nature lover, holistic wellbeing advocate and kindness enthusiast. As an award-winning author, educator and consultant, she combines cutting edge science with spiritual philosophy to inspire holistic wellbeing and fullness of living. Born in New Zealand, Kim has lived in several countries - now in Singapore.

Looking for some drops of goodness in your day? Visit www.kimforrester.net for a range of content and consultations that will help you thrive in life. Plus, check out the Eudaemonia podcast on your favourite podcast app for thought-provoking conversations about the traits and practices that can inspire you to flourish.

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