How to Help Kids Deal with Stress and Anxiety During Covid-19 Outbreak

Published - 01 February 2021, Monday
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We’re on edge. The Covid-19 outbreak is a very confusing and stressful time for everyone. Depending on the respective country’s lockdown regulations, many have strict measures in place.

In some countries, people are no longer allowed out of their homes unless it is absolutely necessary. This is a difficult change in routine for most of us, especially kids and teens. 

With kids not getting the chance to go out as much as they usually do, medical professionals have raised the red flag about the potential emotional and psychological impact the lockdown has on a kid’s well-being. Their anxiety may worsen as the thrown-open floodgates of negative and scary Covid-19 news come to them during this uncertain phase.

However, we would like to remind everyone that the best weapon against negative news is a positive attitude and creativity. It pays to keep your immune system in tip-top condition during this pandemic.

Just because our lives are disrupted, it doesn’t mean we still can’t enjoy ourselves and get the most out of our day.

Here are some ways to help your kids deal with stress and anxiety during the Covid-19 Outbreak.


1. Establish a New Routine

A predictable routine will help both parents and children. Parents and children should sit down and draw up a routine together so that children have a say in the process.  

A routine helps break up a child’s activities throughout the day, so a child gets to do a little bit of everything each day, whether it is schoolwork or playing board games.  It’s important to keep them occupied and active.

A routine gives a child a sense of security and stability, and during this uncertain time, it provides a safety net for a child's uncertainty about the new dynamics. 

A routine is a sequence of actions regularly followed. The impact of a routine is better time management. It ensures a sense of discipline for children who usually experience the same at school. 

Try giving your children a routine that mimics their usual school routine, so it doesn’t feel like their life has drastically been affected.

Breaking up their activities is a fabulous idea for young children. 

For example, give them schoolwork, schedule up some exercise time, give them some screen time, let them dig into arts and crafts, and get them to read, write, or help around the house, etc. 

It will be fun for a child if they get to design fun and exciting timetables! Not only do they know what is in store for them that day, but they'll also look forward to it! Families also tend to get closer when they do things together.

Here are even more Fun Things to do at Home During the Circuit Breaker. Check it out!


2. Schoolwork

Schoolwork allows children to still actively learn despite not being in a school environment. It’s a great time to get more involved in a child’s learning process and make it more interactive so they continue to learn at home. 

You can download fun learning apps and educational games which make learning more fun for children because children aren’t always enthusiastic about doing schoolwork. There’s also the possibility of homeschooling kids or signing them up for online classes to add variety to their learning. These are fun web-based computer games/activities designed specifically to complement a kid’s learning process.


3. Health & Home Exercise

Maintaining healthy habits and lifestyles is important for children's physical and mental well-being. Examples of healthy habits are eating less fast food and more nutritious food, doing 30 minutes of heart-pumping exercise routines, and even doing yoga stretches.

Exercise gets the blood pumping, increases adrenaline and boosts their mood so there’s an outlet for them to expend their energy without leaving the home! If possible, get involved with your children’s new exercise routines because kids will always look to their parents for guidance and support.  

Exercising together is a proven way for parents to bond with their offsprings. Ever challenged your kids to a round of burpees, star jumps, or push-ups? Try it! 


4. Learn Something New

With extra time on our hands (when parents are not juggling between housework, office work, teleconferencing, meeting deadlines, or rushing out for daily essentials), that extra time for family is a good time for everyone to bond over something new. 

You could master a new language, bake, cook, learn how to play a musical instrument, etc. 

It is vital to help keep the state of mind and mood of our kids positive by helping them feel like they’ve accomplished something important and fun! You could read a story together, sing songs, or do arts and crafts.

Here, teachers share their favorite free learning websites and apps designed specifically for kids to make learning fun!


5. Talk to your Kids about How they are Feeling

During this difficult time, keeping the flow of two-way conversations going is of utmost importance. 

Ask your children about how they feel and remind them that it is perfectly fine to feel and talk about their feelings. It gives them the assurance and a safety net to talk about what might be worrying them. They need to be able to let their feelings out for them to process their emotions better; it gives them peace and comfort. 

Ask them how they are feeling, and gently talk to them about what is going on, so they aren’t too afraid and confused about the whole situation. 

To help children develop their emotional skills, parents should be their role models. This is so that kids know that it's OK to express their feelings in the right way. Encourage kids gently so they can take their time to process how they are feeling and express it. One good example is to help kids to identify each emotion. Are they angry? Sad? Lonely? Happy? Jubilant? Overjoyed? 

Listen to what your kids are saying without overreacting and observe their behavior to pick up on emotional signals.


6. Family Time


During self-quarantine, feelings of isolation may set in and one way to combat this is to increase family time. 

And you can make it an absolute ball as well!

There are plenty of fun activities for families to do together for family bonding time! Keep it lighthearted, remind them that good sportsmanship goes a long way, and laughter is the best medicine. 

One good example: Charades apps are awesome rib-ticklers and a good way to lighten the mood! 

For kids to know that they are supported and still have a normal routine, take time to explore a variety of activities that work with your family. 

There’s honestly so much that can be done at home! (aside from being glued to a screen).

Take this inventive and totally-involved parent as an example. Watch the video and see how he turned his home into a small and fun obstacle course for his kids.


7. Get Some Fresh Air

We get it - we will feel disconcerted, lost, antsy, listless, restless, and we might even find ourselves zoning off or stressed out. 

It’s very easy to get fidgety after being locked up indoors during this whole circuit breaker period. Why not get some fresh air? Even if it means just stepping out to the balcony! 

Haul out some color pencils, crayons, or paint and get the kids to paint their surroundings. For kids who are not art-inclined, writing a story based on what they see works too!

Remember is to keep the kids active, having fun and engaged because when they aren’t doing anything, stress and anxiety are just a whisper away. 

It’s okay when they get bored. Equip them with the right coping mechanisms to deal with how they are feeling. While kids don’t always have to be doing something, it helps when they have people who understand and listens to them. 

Keeping life as normal as possible is vital to ensure kids are able to cope with stressful situations, which means sticking to a good routine that keeps them occupied most of their days at home.



The right tools to cope with this out-of-the-ordinary time not only benefits the young ones but also the parents. It bonds the family together and creates a stronger sense of unity in the household.  

You don’t have to rely completely on technology if you run a household that is grounded more in real-life activities. There is a large number of games, toys, and activities kids can engage in without a smartphone or tablet in hand. Here are 20 fun games and activities for kids from various age groups recommended by CNN!

Before you go...

In the meantime, don’t forget that feeling young inside and outside will give you the emotional need you need while we tide this difficult time over.

We’re always with you here at Club Artisans! If you’re a social person, please follow us on Instagram or Facebook to stay connected. We’ll also be updating our Club Artisans Journal more often now to keep you guys in the loop about what’s happening, so, keep in touch and stay well.

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