The Creepy Tale Of The Amber Beacon Tower

Published - 02 January 2022, Sunday

If you are a regular visitor to East Coast Park, you are likely to have walked past a yellow coloured tower structure. This is the Amber Beacon Tower, named after the nearby ‘Amber’ area which comprises Amber Close, Amber Garden & Amber Road. Amber area is said to be named after the Amber Trust Fund which was established by Serena Elias to help poor Jewish youths in Singapore further their studies. Video Credit: Mythopolis Pictures

The Tower is also called the Yellow Tower, due to its colour. It acts like a lighthouse, which sends out light signals to ships, to warn them that they are top close to the shores. Do you know the Tower is often cited as one of most haunted places in Singapore. And this is the story of how it came about. 

Let’s turn the clock back to the evening of  May 15th, year 1990. A young couple who had only started dating two days before, decided to sit on the spiral staircase leading up to the second floor of the Tower to chat. As the bright coloured beacon, positioned on the beach front, exudes a radiant light, it makes for a romantic place to chat. The couple were chatting about their day when two men appeared and walked up the stairs to the top. Impervious to the behaviour of the strangers, the couple continued their conversation.

Amber Beacon Tower​​​​​​​

The two men — now masked to conceal their identities —then stormed down from the top and attacked the couple from behind; The man was knifed in the back while the lady was stabbed in the neck. The guy fought back and managed to throw one of the assailant over the railing while the lady ran to the ground floor in a desperate attempt to get help. The two assailants then fled the scene. The girl who had a deep stab wound in the neck, died 2 days later in the hospital. No one was ever arrested and to this day, the heinous crime remains unsolved.

Since the incident, it is said that the Tower is haunted by a female apparition dressed in white. Many who had jogged past the tower at the time of the attack reportedly hears wailing sound at the top platform. Others who visited the tower reported seeing droplets of fresh bloodstain on the steps and railing. In 2019, Taiwanese celebrity host, Lee Teng even described his paranormal encounter in secondary school while camping near the tower. It is said, the soul of the lady remains unrest as the culprits who was responsible, was never found till today.

Has anyone here have interesting encounters at the TOWER !!!

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