A Healthy Guide for Having a Safe & Holistic Pregnancy

Published - 30 September 2022, Friday
  • A Healthy Guide for Having a Safe & Holistic Pregnancy

Preparing for pregnancy requires a lot of thought and planning. We know that becoming a parent will change our lives completely, but what should we do to ensure the health of both mother and child? Which foods are safe to eat during this time? What are the precautions we need to take? How can we make sure everything goes smoothly? Image source Pexels.

These are some of the questions that come to mind when preparing for pregnancy. As with any other process in life, having a safe and holistic pregnancy comes with challenges. Here's how you can have a safe & holistic pregnancy:

1. Change Your Diet

There are tons of foods you need to avoid during pregnancy, but there are also many that you need to eat more of. This is because each food has its own set of nutrients that the growing baby and the mother need, and if you don't eat the right foods, you're not going to get the proper nutrients. For example, you need a lot of folic acid during pregnancy and can find it in things like legumes, spinach, and whole grains. You should also ensure that your diet has plenty of iron, calcium, and protein. You should also ensure that your diet has plenty of iron, calcium, and protein. These are three nutrients that you need a lot of when pregnant, and if you don't get enough of them in your diet, you could get too little of them and put yourself and the baby at risk.

2. Hire a Medical Professional

As you go through pregnancy, you will want the guidance of an OB/GYN professional who can support you through your experience. You will likely have questions and want to know all of your options through pregnancy. There are many excellent services that can be greatly beneficial to you during your pregnancy. Take your time and research exactly what type of experience you are wanting. This will help you decide who you want to help you and advocate for you during this time.

3. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is always good for you, but it's necessary when pregnant. Not only does water help flush out toxins from your body, but it also flushes out amniotic fluid, which is the liquid that surrounds the fetus. Pregnant women should drink at least ten glasses of water daily, plus some other beverages like herbal teas, sparkling water, and milk. It's essential to stay hydrated because if you don't, you'll be more prone to leg cramps, constipation, and urinary tract infections. If you don't drink enough water, the fetus will draw fluids from your body, leading to low blood pressure, blood sugar, and too little amniotic liquid.

4. Manage Stress Levels

Stress harms many aspects of life, and pregnancy is no exception. If you experience high-stress levels, you're more likely to experience an early miscarriage, preterm labor, low birth weight, and other complications during pregnancy. You can manage your stress levels by getting a therapist or finding different ways to relax. Meditation, yoga, and spending time in nature are all great ways to reduce stress levels.

5. Get Adequate Rest & Take Prenatal Vitamins

This one may seem like a no-brainer, but it's important not to overdo it during pregnancy. While you don't want to sit around doing anything for nine months, you also don't want to overdo it, which can result in exhaustion. Avoid strenuous exercise and get at least seven hours of sleep every night. If you find this difficult, try using a sleep mask, a white noise machine, or a warm bath before bed to help you relax. It would help if you also tried to find time to relax outside of the bedroom. Take a bath, meditate, walk in nature, or do whatever you need to de-stress. Not only will this help you relax, but it will also help relax your fetus.

You probably already know that you need to take vitamins while pregnant, but you may not know which ones you should take. These vitamins are tailored towards your body's needs during pregnancy and will help ensure that the fetus receives the proper nutrients. Prenatal vitamins contain folic acid, iron, calcium, and many other things like vitamins B and C. Make sure you take the correct dosage and don't take them after the recommended date.


Becoming pregnant is an exciting time, but it also requires a lot of preparation. You need to change your diet, stay hydrated, manage stress levels, and get adequate rest to have a safe and healthy pregnancy. Pregnant women should also take prenatal vitamins to get the proper nutrients and see a gynaecologist to monitor their health. With these things in mind, you can ensure your pregnancy goes as smoothly as possible.

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