5 Signs Your Child Might Need Braces

Published - 03 April 2022, Sunday
  • Dental Braces

There are several symptoms that your kid requires braces early on in life, and it may be perplexing for parents to recognize these signs when they don't know what they're searching for.

The first and most essential thing to remember is that every kid is different, which is why it's so vital to ensure your children see the dentist often to check on their development and make sure any abnormalities in the mouth are picked up early.

Here are five signs your child might need braces.

  1. They're Mouth Breathing

Children who breathe throughout the day or night will have their mouths open for the bulk of time to allow air in. This may influence the look of their face and the development of their teeth. This produces a reduced amount of room for adult teeth to develop, resulting in the need for an evaluation by an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) expert to check for concerns with tonsils, adenoids, and the airway. The ENT expert may also suggest braces to treat jaw abnormalities.

  1. Crowded or Crooked Teeth

Parents are usually recommended to visually check their kids' teeth as they develop and take them for frequent paediatric dental appointments. This is vital for diagnosing dental disorders like crooked or crowded teeth. If you've seen that there's not enough room for permanent teeth to emerge in your child's mouth, they may need to wear braces. If left untreated, crowded teeth might develop into a condition where permanent teeth become lodged in the lower jaw or the top roof of the mouth. This typically leads to the necessity to visit an orthodontist in New York or in areas surrounding you for proper treatment.

  1. Overbites and Under bites

Overbites are generally caused by the top teeth projecting in front of the lower teeth. In adolescents, an overbite may significantly impact their confidence since it may lead to them being taunted about their looks. Luckily, most overbites may be repaired simply by utilising braces.

Under bites are usually caused by the lower teeth projecting in front of the upper teeth. This problem may alter how your kid talks and cause jaw pain and overall discomfort. Braces will assist relocate the lower teeth and aligning them appropriately, enhancing your child's speech, and avoiding more difficulties with their teeth later in life.

  1. Dummy Sucking

Most parents will confirm that thumb or dummy sucking may be comforting for their newborn or toddler. However, if this practice persists when the adult teeth develop in your child's mouth, it may affect the jaw's contour. This may lead to the front teeth jutting forward and can also create challenges with speech, such as lisping, trouble swallowing, or mouth breathing, orthodontic treatment may be necessary if it persists throughout the formation of the adult teeth.

  1. Spacing Between the Teeth and Speech Issues

One of the most typical reasons for having braces in adolescence is when there is a gap between teeth. Does your kid have a gap in their teeth? they might need braces if the teeth do not shift together on their own. This is especially true if the teeth have been misaligned for an extended period and have begun to produce difficulties with their alignment or bite pattern.

Many causes might cause speech issues, but sometimes it's simply a matter of missing teeth. If your kid is having difficulties speaking specific words or overall suffering with speech, it might be time to visit your dentist or orthodontist and a speech pathologist.


Braces or other orthodontic treatments go beyond essential oral health and cleanliness to create healthy jaw alignment and function. Properly aligned teeth are simpler to clean and maintain, minimising the risk of gum disease, tooth decay, or other periodontal disorders. A healthy bite is also critical for facilitating effective biting, chewing, and speech development, particularly in young infants.

Teeth and jaw misalignment issues in youngsters are pretty frequent and develop for numerous causes. Some are hereditary, while others are the consequence of childhood behaviours, oral illness, or accidents. You may spot anomalies on your own, or your child's dentist may offer a second evaluation from an orthodontist. Regardless of how or when you begin to see a possible issue, only a dentist or orthodontist can ensure that your kid requires braces; hence it is good to consider visiting your family orthodontist for an early check-up!​​​​​​​

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