Find Inner Peace With The Best Yoga Courses In Singapore

Published - 28 November 2022, Monday
  • Best Yoga Studios In Singapore

There's no time like the present to take on a new interest. Looking to build you core strength all while finding a balance in your life here in Singapore. We have taken the leg work out of your Yoga research and offer you these solutions as a valuable list to get you started on your journey.

Como Shambhala Kids Yoga

Introducing children to the yama and niyama of yoga, kid-friendly instructors incorporate games and cooperative play into their classes to make them fun, engaging and interactive for young yogis.  For kiddos aged 5 to 10 years, classes also teach littlies about relaxation, self-control and stress release to promote health and wellbeing. COMO Shambhala is a healthy living philosophy inspired by the mythological kingdom of ‘Shambhala’, which in ancient Buddhist texts denotes a sacred place of bliss.  Write A Review

Innergy Ayurveda & Yoga

Vasanthi Pillay is the Founder and President of the Ayurveda Association of Singapore (AAOS) and Director of Innergy Ayurveda & Yoga Pte Ltd Her keen interest in Ayurveda was sparked in 2001 when she personally experienced the benefits of Ayurveda in healthcare in the area of prevention, management and cure of diseases. The dual goals of AAOS and Innergy, are to educate specialist groups and the general public on the scientific aspects of Ayurveda and Yoga as well as to work with relevant authorities in setting standards for these sciences. Write A Review

Vanda Yoga

If you’re a total yoga newbie but you love the idea of spending a quiet hour stretching your pregnant body, then Vanda Yoga is a great place to start.  With Hatha Yoga and Prenatal Yoga their weapons of choice, small class numbers and supportive instructors guide mamas-to-be through gentle stretching and strengthening exercises – perfect if you’re a bit unsure of what you’re doing and need an extra hand. They really support mamas by sending out regular pregnancy newsletters packed with tips for taking care of yourself both before and after baby. Write A Review

Yoga Vihara

Yoga Vihara is dedicated to using the therapeutic power of yoga to help people lead happier, healthier and more balanced lives amidst the pressures of urban living. They offer authentic Hatha Yoga classes to serve yoga enthusiasts looking for Yoga as it is. The teachers have accumulated vast experience through the years to be able to identify and cater to this need. Write A Review

Om Shiva Yoga

The most unique studio in Singapore offering yoga classes in the midst of lush greenery and wonderful fresh air. Whether you are new to yoga or an experienced student, they look forward to welcoming you soon to their home and community. They offer beginner and intermediate classes in English, Mandarin and Japanese taught by experienced instructors in a variety of styles including Hatha, Ashtanga, Sivananda, Yin, Power, Alignment, Yoga Therapy, Kripalu, Partner Yoga, Kids Yoga, Moms & babies Yoga as well as Pranayama and Meditation. Write A Review

Meraki Yoga

When you love doing something that you put your entire self into, the love and happiness shows.The gracious being of your soul shines through and it manifests into the world.This is how Meraki Yoga is founded, with [Love, Creativity and Soul]. Write A Review

Being in Yoga

Being in Yoga was started in 2005 by Valerie Fanecoand they are a small group of yoga teachers committed to transmitting yoga according to the method of T Krishnamacharya as taught at the KYM (Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram) in Chennai, India. Being in Yoga is the first yoga school in Singapore that is fully dedicated to yoga in the lineage of this great master. Their intimate belief is that a student must start from where he or she is, not from where they, as teachers, would like them to be. Write A Review

Pure Yoga

Pure Yoga is Asia's leading lifestyle group with prime locations in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore and Taipei, with plans to continue expansion throughout the region. Pure Yoga offers people a balanced lifestyle of physical, mental and emotional well-being. A wide variety of traditional and contemporary practices are available including Hatha, Hot, Power, Yin, Pranayama / Meditation, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Pre-& Post-Natal, and Yoga Dance, plus the personal touch of Private Yoga. 

Yoga Class in Delhi

While the world needs to be calm, strong, and healthy, Aum Yoga Shala has brought Yoga Classes in Delhi to enhance the overall health of the Delhi NCR citizens. Join our yoga classes and lead onto the path of health and wellness. Along with the training of Yoga Asanas, a huge emphasis is given on the mental and spiritual practice for the overall advancement of the mind-body health. Let’s look at some of the premier highlights of these classes. Write A Review

Green Yoga

Green Yoga  (since 2012) is a chic yoga studio located in the heart of Singapore, Upper Thomson Road. They offer a full schedule of high-energy, music-filled yoga classes taught by international certified yoga instructors both in Mandarin and English. They are a boutique studio, which means all of our guests receive personalized attention and hands-on support in all of our classes. Write A Review


Vanda has been practising yoga for over ten years now and, at the encouragement of her favourite yoga teacher, she took her love for yoga to the next step - she underwent 200hour yoga teacher training under SVYASA Yoga University, Bangalore (India). Vanda is a certified Bliss Baby Prenatal Yoga Teacher and a certified Birthlight Perinatal Yoga instructor.  Whether you are new to yoga or are just getting into a regular yoga practice or just pregnant (congrats!) or recently given birth (congrats too!), start now. Write A Review​​​​​​​

Yoga with Anugraha

Yoga with Anugraha

Anugraha teaches the traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary series. This dynamic method of yoga emphasizes on vinyasa (synchronizing the breath and movement), dristhi (where you place your look when in asana) and ujjayi breath (the Victorious Breath).  The purpose of this method is internal cleansing through a process producing intense internal heat and a profuse, purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs. Write A Review

Yoga Movement Tanjog Pagar

The idea of taking your yoga practice beyond regular classes may seem intimidating, but rest assured that Yoga Movement Academy (YMA) has programs tailored to boost your performance to the next level, wherever your starting point may be.  If you're a Newbie or have just stopped labelling yourself as one, consider a Level Up as a stepping stone to your best practice. If not, and you wish to delve deeper than the physical practice, an Essential Level Yoga Movement Teacher Training (YMTT) is our take on what teacher trainings should be... i.e. teaching you how to be a great teacher.  


Hom Yoga is based on the principles of transformation and empowerment through high quality yoga teaching. Through its deep legacy of teaching in Singapore and internationally for many years, Hom Yoga brings the highest quality in the teaching of yoga today. The modern practise of yoga has evolved dramatically in the last few years. Initially, it was practiced for physical fitness either in a hot or traditional environment. Write A Review

Space and Light yoga

Space & Light Yoga was founded in 2009 by yoga teachers, teacher trainers and yoga event organisers Lynn Yeo & Sumei Shum.  In May 2016, Sumei & Lynn successfully fostered a partnership between Space & Light Yoga and COMO Shambhala Urban Escape, Singapore. Lynn & Sumei are teaching a variety of classes at COMO Shambhala and are working with them to develop their yoga educational & training programmes in Singapore and abroad. Write A Review

SunUp Yoga

SunUp Yoga is a Yoga Therapy and Meditation boutique studio. They understand people's inclination towards professional and responsible yoga guidance within a safe container. SunUp Yoga is created as a learning pad under this backdrop.  Write A Review   

Om Shiva Yoga - Chip Bee

To enable them to provide the necessary individual attention to each student, classes are kept small with a maximum of 10 students per class. Whether you are new to yoga or an experienced student, they have classes to suit your individual needs and schedules. They offer beginner and intermediate classes in English, Mandarin and Japanese taught by experienced instructors in a variety of styles including Hatha, Ashtanga, Sivananda, Yin, Power, Alignment, Yoga Therapy, Kripalu, Partner Yoga, Kids Yoga, Moms & babies Yoga as well as Pranayama and Meditation. Write A Review​​​​​​​

Yoga+ Singapore Arab St

Yoga+ was born out of the desire to create a holistic space that goes beyond the physical realm of yoga. By redefining the collective understanding of yoga, Yoga+ seeks to explore the infinite possibilities of yoga beyond its asanas. Their first studio is located at 28A Pagoda Street, just a 2 minute stroll from Chinatown MRT station. Write A Review

Urban Yoga

Urban Yoga is a centre that believes in making yoga convenient for everyone in Singapore and sharing its wonderful benefits, no matter how busy you are. Having yoga classes at your home or your workplace will save precious commute time.  Discover how yoga can be therapeutic for your body and mind, helping you unwind from a hectic lifestyle. Write A Review

Ananda Marga Yoga Society of Singapore

In a world of corporate-run yoga studios, Ananda Marga is a breath of fresh air. This Singapore studio offers small daily classes, dedicated instructors, and short-term class packages on the East Coast. Ananda Marga Yoga clients become conscious of what you eat and how it affects your glandular system and hormonal (chemical) balance. Write A Review​​​​​​​


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RATED 7.5 / 8
These are all amazing Yoga courses. Highly recommended and worth a look in. Friendly and professional staff.

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