Interview with Personal Stylist - Julia Blank

Published - 18 August 2020, Tuesday

You get one chance to make a good impression. Your appearance, makeup, hair and clothes are as important as your personality.

When you project an image of confidence, you are more likely to succeed in business and social relationships. Personal stylist or image consultant will help you elevate your personal and professional presence through: appearance, etiquette and behavioral skills.Whether you are changing jobs, recently divorced, single, or in need of general self image improvement, consultation with Julia will give you the confidence you need. Let's dive a little deeper with Julia!

What got you interested in a career as a stylist?
I think my interest came from a realisation that not everyone has an eye for style – for understanding how to look for clothes that flatter not just their figure, but their personality too. Along with this, I had a real desire to help people, so I chose to share my styling knowledge with others.

Tell me about your background in the fashion industry.
My love for nice things started when I was a little girl – my mother was definitely my role model. She instilled the importance of looking after yourself in me from a young age. Growing up my parents owned retail stores, and after university I began working in the fashion industry myself. However, I certainly didn’t become a stylist overnight! I’d say its been a long journey of self-discovery!

Tell us more about the services you offer. 
As a personal stylist, my services include style consultations, wardrobe revamping, personal shopping with clients for everyday clothes or special occasions (such as weddings or gala dinners), beauty training and group image consultation workshops.

Which have been your most memorable styling projects?
Although I’ve had many interesting projects, including celebrity styling, my favourite ones have been working with ordinary people. Whether it’s a stay-at-home mum stuck in a wardrobe rut, or a business executive looking to revamp her image for a new role, I find these jobs the most personally fulfilling.

Above all, the fact that I’m able to help someone look and feel more confident is the most rewarding aspect of my job. I feel the most satisfaction after I’ve completed a style transformation, and my client starts smiling at herself and her new look in the mirror.

Get in touch with Julia here?

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