Hampstead Wetlands Park

Published - 30 November 2020, Monday

Image Credit: NParks, Hampstead Wetlands Park

Developed by JTC and NParks, the 3.23 hectare Hampstead Wetlands Park is a green sanctuary and a place for rest and recreation for the surrounding community of Seletar Aerospace Park.

This park provides a conducive environment for plants, birds and other wildlife that inhabit freshwater ecosystems. Snags and the habitat islands are essential parts of the wetland’s ecology, providing birds and other wildlife with shelter, nesting spots and resting grounds away from human disturbances and predators. The habitat islands also provide additional surface area for wetland plants to colonize. Wetlands help to remove sediments from surface run-off when it rains, thus acting as a natural filter.

As you stroll along the scenic boardwalk, enjoy nature up close at the viewing decks and look out for a variety of interesting flora and fauna.

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