Raffles Marina Lighthouse

Published - 13 October 2020, Tuesday

Image Credit: Raffles Marina Facebook Page

Located at the tip of our Club's breakwater is Raffles Marina's own lighthouse. Built in 1994 and overlooking the Tuas Second Link – Singapore's second causeway to Malaysia, this 12 metres high icon flashes every 10 seconds with a beam that reaches 15 metres. The lighthouse is maintained by the Club and is the only lighthouse not owned and operated by the Maritime Port Authority of Singapore.

The beacon is a popular spot for photography groups. The lighthouse, together with the marina, has been featured on wedding and lifestyle websites and blogs. It has been described as one of the most ideal and unique venues among couples for wedding photography and nautical themed weddings. Some of these photographs have been featured on sites such as Pinterest, Flickr and on Instagram via this hashtag, #rafflesmarinalighthouse.

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