Ang Brothers

Published - 06 April 2021, Tuesday

With the loss of a loved one, arranging a funeral amidst the confusion and pain can be a challenge. Instead of opting for a funeral parlour willy nilly, opt for one with experience, procedural know-how and skills to navigate this difficult time with sensitivity and compassion.

At Ang Brothers Funeral Services Singapore, we are a trusted services brand that have been in the industry for years. We take pride in delivering affordable funeral services and packages to cater to the general needs of a funeral service in times of need. Moreover, as a price and services oriented company, we also aim to give you the best value for your money. With our transparent pricing policy, we honour what we advertise on our website.

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John Gordon

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Dealing with the death of a loved one can take an emotional toll on just anyone. With the experience and know-how, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of funeral services. We are committed to helping you arrange a dignified funeral that celebrates and honour the lives of those who have departed.

If you’re unsure of what funeral procession entails, you can refer to the funeral packages information to learn more. Alternatively, you can also rely on our professional and experienced team to help you make an informed funeral-related decision. Simply reach us through our 24 Hour Hotline or Contact Form. We are on standby 7 days a week to help you with your funeral arrangements.

As a funeral services brand that has made itself a household name in Singapore, we are dedicated to helping you in times of need. With Ang Brothers Funeral Services, you can focus on healing and grieving whilst we take care of your funeral matters.

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