Financial Planner SG

Published - 22 September 2020, Tuesday

Financial Planning requires more than just making sure consumers are spending within their means. Modern Singaporeans also need to come up with plans for how to save and invest money, determine which insurance policies will best fit their lifestyles and needs, and learn how to plan for meeting financial goals. The best way to get started is to find a Financial Advisor who can help, but young residents can often benefit from playing a more active role in coming up with a personal financial plan, as well. Before getting started, read on to find out What You Should Know About Financial Planning.

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Muhammad Umar

RATED 8 / 8
Few people would argue that having a financial plan isn’t absolutely necessary, yet not all consumers are on board with this trend. That’s a shame, because a solid financial plan provides a blueprint for accomplishing goals and living up to potential.

By starting with a complex analysis of their current financial situations, including income, assets, debts, and expenditures, consumers can get a better idea of where they stand.

They can develop a saving and investment plan that will help them ensure that they are living within their means.

Some consumers assume that there’s no difference between routine financial planning and retirement planning, but having and following a solid plan also makes it easier to meet major financial goals throughout life.

The typical Singaporean who wants to buy a home and start a family needs to budget for spending a little under $400,000 before the age of 30, but they don’t need to spend all that money at once.

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