Business Tips for Engaging More With Your Customers

Published - 29 January 2023, Sunday
  • Business Tips

Knowing the best ways to engage with your customers can encourage them to keep buying from you and spending more money. Have you ever bought an item from a company before and had questions but couldn't find anyone to answer you?

You likely remembered that company for years and made a decision to never buy from them again. Customers often feel the same way when they buy from a business that ignores them too. You can show your customers that you appreciate their business and want to hear from them with some tips on engaging more with your customers.

Use Digital Marketing

Traditional marketing methods such as sending coupons through the mail do not work as well as digital marketing methods do in today's world. Digital marketing allows you to connect with customers through your site and other sites. You can run ads on blogs and websites or work with influencers. Influencers share your products on their accounts and encourage customers to reach out to you. You can give influencers discounts or pay them for their posts with money or free products.

Focus on Social Media

Whether you work with influencers or not, you should still make use of your social media accounts. You may not have enough time to respond to every comment, but you should respond to as many as possible. Make sure that you look at any negative comments and reach out. Those comments might mention the quality of your products or a bad experience a shopper had with a sales rep. It's helpful to post a minimum of once a day and more often if possible.

Create a Forum

Creating a forum gives your customers a fun place to talk. All you need is some free space on your site. You might create a basic forum where you can post about new products and sales or a bigger forum that has rooms or boards where customers can post. This allows them to talk about their experiences and post questions they have as well as connect with other customers. If you build a forum, make sure you have someone to monitor the forum and remove or respond to posts as needed.

Opt for Push Notifications

Push notifications are an easy way to engage with customers when you have their phone numbers. With an automated SMS service, you can send messages out on a schedule you set up and ensure they go to all of your customers. You also have the option of selecting the customers you want to contact with text messages. Push notifications also work on your website and let you send notices when you release a new product or have a big sale that helps them save money.

Respond to Feedback

Engaging with your customers is as easy as replying to the feedback that you get. Many websites allow customers to post reviews on product pages. If you see negative reviews, reach out and see how you can make things better. You should also respond to the feedback that you see on social media and any that come through email. Customers may feel better about their experiences and want to keep buying from you when you take steps to change the way they feel such as giving them their money back or offering a discount on a future purchase.

Keep Things Entertaining

To engage with your customers, try to keep things entertaining. Have you ever come across a video online that you loved so much you wanted to share it with all of your friends? A viral video can increase your sales and get customers excited about sharing it. You might create a few videos that show your products in action and encourage customers to use them along with videos that include funny moments that will make them laugh. The right videos will also get customers interested in commenting on the video and buying more from you.


Customer engagement is important because you want customers to feel as though you are interested in their thoughts and care about their opinions. This involves listening to their feedback and looking for ways to reach out to them. Some of the best tips for engaging with your customers include using push notifications on your site and creating a forum for all of your customers.

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