Book a Home Massage with Home Massage Singapore

Published - 17 September 2020, Thursday

There are few things more enjoyable than a professional massage. Massages loosen up muscles, reduce pain, provide stress relief, and allow consumers to pamper themselves.

With a home massage singapore residents don’t even need to take time out of their busy schedules to head to the spa. They can take advantage of all these benefits and more from the comfort of their own homes. Want to meet with a skilled massage therapist from the comfort of home? We deliver amazing massages to your doorstep. Our trained and experienced therapists will show up with everything they need to perform a mobile massage that rivals the level of care and comfort provided at a traditional spa.

Home massages are perfect for busy consumers who don’t have time in their schedules for dedicated spa days. They’re also ideal for injured athletes and others with mobility problems that make getting out and about more challenging. Plus, a home massage occurs where clients already feel most relaxed: in the comfort of a familiar environment.

Any type of professional massage has therapeutic effects, but it’s difficult to beat the level of relaxation associated with the comfort of home. Bringing a licensed and fully vetted therapist into the home for a traditional or sports massage offers plenty of advantages over heading to the spa. They include:

  • Increased convenience
  • Competitive pricing
  • No need to risk going to crowded indoor spaces
  • Greater privacy
  • Access to all the same therapies offered at traditional spas
  • Outcall therapists can do their work anywhere, including offices and hotel rooms​



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T. +65 8407 4152


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RATED 7.5 / 8
There are few things more enjoyable than a professional massage. Massages loosen up muscles, reduce pain, provide stress relief, and allow consumers to pamper themselves.

Muhammad Umar

RATED 8 / 8
Traditional Massage

Traditional massages are designed to alleviate muscle soreness, increase flexibility, and reduce stress. The therapist will use a combination of techniques, including kneading, long strokes, deep circular motions, vibration, and, if needed, passive joint movement to perform a traditional massage.

Those who are new to mobile massage, are experiencing a lot of muscle tension, or are sensitive to touch often find that traditional massages are a good fit. Clients are welcome to discuss their therapeutic goals with our therapist prior to the start of their sessions. The therapist may tailor his or her approach to the client’s affected muscle groups or unique wellness goals.

Sports Massage

A sports massage is a great option for athletes. It can be used to increase flexibility and performance, reduce muscle soreness following serious workouts or competitions, and to relieve pain, anxiety, and muscle tension. Sports massages can be performed as full-body treatments, or the therapists can focus on the specific parts of the athlete’s body that need the most attention.

The typical sports massage involves both deep pressure and soothing strokes. Our good therapist will tailor his or her technique to the client’s needs, so feel free to discuss what areas are most sore before starting the session. Expect it to take between 60 and 90 minutes and make sure to wear thin, loose clothing that offers the therapist access to all affected muscles.


RATED 8 / 8
Those who have never been to a licensed therapist may not realize that they can do more than just give a really good back massage. Traditional massages offer whole-body relaxation and stress relief for consumers of all ages and mobility levels, while sports massages focus on relaxing the muscles to treat delayed onset muscle soreness and reduce the potential for sports injuries.