Ways to Relieve Stress & Anxiety from Your Life

Published - 11 December 2021, Saturday
  • Stress relief

The majority of Americans report feeling stressed or anxious on a regular basis. With the right tips and techniques, you can work to reduce these feelings and live a more peaceful existence.

Here are five natural ways that you can relieve stress and anxiety in your life. The image source is Pexels.

Get Moving

Exercise is one of the best relievers of stress and anxiety. While it may seem contradictory, putting your body through physical stress can go a long way in helping to relieve mental angst. The science behind this is clear. As you work up a sweat, the level of the stress hormone known as cortisol automatically decreases.

In addition, the body releases the feel-good endorphin hormones as you move your body, helping to naturally improve your mental and emotional state. A regular exercise routine is also instrumental in helping to regulate your sleep patterns. Getting a good night of sleep on a consistent basis can exponentially reduce stress and anxiety.

Spend Time With Loved Ones

One of the easiest and most enjoyable things that you can do to improve your mental state is to be intentional about spending time with loved ones. There is no doubt that support from family and friends may be what you need to get you through difficult times.

Regularly spending time with friends will make you feel as if you belong, increasing your self-worth. Being around people that care about you releases the natural stress reliever oxytocin. In today's busy world, it can often be challenging to carve out this time with others. However, your mental health will benefit greatly if you make this a priority in your life.

Practice Yoga

If you are looking for a specific exercise that has shown to reduce levels of stress and anxiety, be sure to consider all of the benefits of yoga. The primary goal of yoga is to bring the body and mind together. This happens by boosting your body and breath awareness. As a result, many people find that regular yoga can improve your mood and reduce anxiety and stress along the way.

Yoga works so well in this effort because it lowers harmful levels of cortisol in the body. It may also reduce blood pressure levels, helping to clear your mind and put you in a better place. Be sure to put plenty of emphasis on being intentional about your breathing if you are using yoga as a means to manage stress and anxiety.

Lean Into Recreational Cannabis

Discover what scores of other people have already learned about the vast benefits of recreational cannabis when looking to combat stress and anxiety. As more people discover these benefits, the use of this plant to treat stress and anxiety is becoming more mainstream.

​​​​​​​The Great Barrington dispensary is an ideal place to access and learn more about these benefits and how you can leverage the power of cannabis to find relief from these common issues. Here you will find the right balance of products to mitigate how stress and anxiety can affect your daily routine. You will find a variety of ways to use cannabis, including edibles, flowers, vaporizers, and tinctures.

Be Mindful and Grateful

While it is easier said than done, you may find that it is helpful to be purposeful about being mindful and grateful when reducing anxiety and stress is a goal. Engaging in purposeful meditation can help you to feel more mindful about your surroundings. Try to enjoy being in the present rather than stressing about things in the future that you cannot control.

Being purposeful about expressing gratitude is another helpful approach. Some individuals find that keeping a gratitude journal can help in this endeavor. Take time each day to write down the positive things that have happened recently. The actual act of writing about your feelings can also help you to transfer negative thoughts from your mind by putting them elsewhere.


Know that you are not alone if you feel as if stress and anxiety is negatively impacting your life. You do not have to let these feelings rule you. Being proactive about treating the issue before it starts can yield a host of positive results for your overall mental and emotional health.


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