Top Advice for Every College Student in 2022

Published - 22 January 2022, Saturday
  • Studey Abroad

As the pandemic continues, there is no doubt that it has been a challenging time for many college students over the last two years. This makes it more important than ever to dive into the college experience with the tools and knowledge to ensure that you are making the most out of this exciting time in life.

Here are five pieces of advice that every college student needs to take to heart in 2022.

Take Advantage of Office Hours and Study Groups

You will see the most success in the classroom if you take advantage of your professors' office hours. This is an ideal way to build connections with your teachers. You never know when you may need this connection later in your career for references or to be an advocate for you. You will also gain a greater understanding of the class material if you take the time to be present during these office hours.

In addition to office hours, you should look into the various campus study groups. Joining a study group provides a number of benefits far beyond the help that it will deliver for your classwork. A study group is also a great social outlet, helping you to connect with like-minded students.

Reach Out to the Professionals

While most colleges generally have a robust study group network, there may be times that you need a professional to help to guide you. This is particularly important if you have a big entrance exam coming up on your schedule.

For example, if you are sitting for the MCAT, you are going to want to make sure that you leverage the resources available to you as a student. There are a variety of MCAT tutoring options that you can do online, making it easy to organise a custom tutoring plan. A program through Elite Medical Prep will pair you with a professional to help you to develop a study curriculum as you prepare for this exam.

Take Care of Physical Needs

It is vital that you take care of your physical needs while you are at college. You cannot expect to soar with your academics if you are not healthy and well. Start with ensuring that all of your nutritional needs are being met. This means that you need to take care to nourish your body with healthy foods. Getting in the habit of taking a daily multivitamin offers an extra layer of insurance.

You should also be intentional about getting in enough physical exercise. Check out your campus recreation centre or recruit a group of friends to go for regular runs or hikes. There are a number of ways that you can get in this physical activity while having fun and socializing with others at the same time.

Push Yourself Out of Your Comfort Zone

College is one of the best seasons in life to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Any college campus is bursting with opportunities to get to know people different than you or take a chance on a new activity.

While it may be tempting to stick to your regular routine and social group, you will get more out of the college experience if you are intentional about making yourself uncomfortable on occasion. Now is a great time to sign up for that sport you have always wanted to play or join a club that helps you to follow your passion. What do you have to lose?

Study Abroad

For the ultimate in leaving your comfort zone (when safe to do so), consider signing up for a study abroad program. This type of program is a great way to immerse yourself in a new culture while exploring the world around you. You can also learn college credit as you embark on this journey. A study abroad program also looks impressive on a resume because it demonstrates that you are a well-rounded person who is not afraid to take on new challenges.

You can also tap into the many foreign language resources available on most campuses. Sign up for a class, attend a language lab, or dive into the many cultural learning opportunities available to students.

We hope that this article inspires you to get out of your comfort zone and make the most out of your time in college. By following these five proven pieces of advice, you can make your college years an important memory to look back to.​​​​​​​

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