Benefits of a face recognition door lock

Published - 21 January 2022, Friday
  • face recognition

A face recognition door lock is a modern way to secure the lock screen of a phone, tablet, or computer. This type of lock is more convenient than others because it can be unlocked automatically using facial recognition software. The only thing one needs to leave the house in the morning with their face on is a great hair day.

Using a for your door is not only an effective way to protect your home, but it also means you don't need to remember any more codes or carry-around keys. Unlike traditional locks which can be opened by picking the lock (which requires skill) or breaking the door down, the best face-recognition padlocks will open when the face in the photo is recognised.

The benefits of a face recognition lock are many - here are just some of them:

  • No need to remember passwords or codes; all you need is your face. This makes them very user-friendly.
  • Doesn't wear down like traditional locks, so requires less maintenance and lasts longer.
  • Can be programmed with multiple faces, so you can give access to guests or family members while keeping your privacy safe.

In addition to that, some new face recognition locks also can detect when anyone other than you is using them, so they're great at stopping intruders.

How does a face recognition door lock work?

It's simple to use, but how does it work? The best face recognition locks are made up of an infra-red camera that captures the image of your face. This is then matched with the previously saved photo you've programmed into it - if it matches, you're in. Within seconds of standing before the lock, it can recognise you and open the door. When you go out, it can identify when someone else is like an intruder who tries to use it.

You can also get locks that are coupled with biometric systems which involve fingerprint recognition too. This makes them even more secure because it means you have two complementary ways to open the lock, making it much harder for a potential thief.

The best face recognition locks are easy to instal and use - they're a great choice if you want a convenient solution that's also highly effective.

A face recognition lock is generally more secure than traditional locks as there are fewer ways to pick or break them. It's also an excellent lock to have if you are living in a shared house, as it means only the actual tenant has access to their room. Additionally, people with illnesses or disabilities may struggle using traditional locks but find face recognition easier - they open by simply looking at them.

These locks are great for home security particularly if you live in a shared house or an apartment building, but they can serve as top-quality office locks too.

Wrap up

While having a face recognition lock might not be as secure as having a good old-fashioned padlock, it offers the best of both worlds - convenience and security. It's very popular with students as they can open their front door with their face when rushing to lectures or back to their rooms after coming in late from partying.

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