6 Best Long-Distance Relationship Tips

Published - 05 January 2022, Wednesday
  • Long Distance Relationship

Long-distance relationships, while being challenging and a lot of work, can also be satisfying and successful. At first, they may seem scary and even impossible, but if you care about making it work – no relationship is impossible.  Now, every long-distance relationship is different and every couple has its unique way of making it work.

However, what they all have in common is at least one of these 6 tips that make their long-distance relationship work better. If you are in the market for ideas and tips on how to make your long-distance relationship better, here are the 6 best long-distance relationship tips.

Talk regularly

One of the most important parts of any relationship is communication. Communication in relationships allows us to express our feelings and needs, and above all, it helps you stay connected to that other person. Communicating while in a long-distance relationship may have been difficult before, today we have all we need to keep the long-distance relationship working. 

Keeping in touch and regularly talking is easy with all the technological advancements. You can even see each other more often with video chats and real-time video meetings. Moreover, using various types of communication will help you feel more connected to your partner. So, don’t let the lack of communication be the excuse to not get in a long-distance relationship. 

Schedule the calls and stick to them

Scheduling calls may seem business-like but instead, think of it as dates. Keeping in touch with someone who lives in a different time zone is a struggle on its own, that’s why scheduling calls and meetings can be a good way to stay connected. Discuss with your partner what time would be best to organise these calls and meetings. Be considerate of each other’s time and obligations.

Once you settle on a certain time, try your best to always be present and to assist these calls. Of course, there will be times when something will come up or you won’t be able to call in time, or something similar. However, know that in a long-distance relationship, prioritising your partner will make your relationship serious and less casual.

Pay attention

Due to the lack of physical distance between you and your partner, paying attention and carefully listening to what they have to say will show them that you care. Pay attention to everything they say, and then surprise them when they least expect it by showing them you were listening.  Many times, knowing that someone heard you is enough to feel appreciated and cared for.

So, learn how to be a good and active listener. If you’re doing real-time video meetings make sure there is eye contact, that you’re present without interruptions in form of phone, TV, radio, and other people, and that you’re waiting for your turn to speak, no interrupting the other person. Similarly, if you’re talking on the phone, make sure there are no interruptions and often affirm their statements with words such as “yes”, “I hear you”, and so on.

Other ways to feel connected

Keeping in touch through phone calls, messages, video calls, and so on, is merely one way of being connected to your long-distance partner. Finding other creative ways to feel connected is another way to keep the relationship alive. You could organise online date nights, movie nights, binge-watch your favourite shows, read the same books together, make game nights and so much more.

You could also send your partner small presents that will show then you are thinking about them – send flowers, beautiful custom-made gift baskets both for him and her, send books, whatever comes to your mind. Simply find different ways to build your relationship, to make it feel like a real deal and not just a long-distance relationship that everyone thinks will fail.

Plan a trip together

Being excited about something and having something to look forward to is a good way to focus on the future and one way to do so is by planning a trip together. Just because you’re currently away from each other doesn’t mean that you can’t plan your dream trip. Think about all the places that you want to visit together then make a list, discuss the date and time of the trip, and so on.

You can even plan your next get-together. It doesn’t have to be anywhere fancy or dream-like, simply planning to see each other in real life can be as exciting as planning a dream trip. Plus, it’ll give you something to be excited about!

Take some space and have a life outside your relationship as well

Just like any kind of relationship, having a life outside your long-distance relationship is ok, what’s more, it’s necessary. If you wish to have a healthy and happy relationship, you need to think about yourself. Don’t try to spend all your time on the phone talking to your partner – that’s the opposite of healthy. Instead, concentrate on self-care, think about your personal growth and success, grow professionally, too. Work on yourself and your relationship will benefit as well.

And don’t feel guilty about taking time to do what you love, to dedicate time to your self-care and self-growth. Not everything needs to be a struggle in a long-distance relationship. Once you get over that first impression that everyone has about being lonely, the complication of coordinating calls and meets, struggling to make a relationship work, you’ll see that there are many benefits to being in a long-distance relationship. 

Some of those benefits include becoming better at communicating with your partner, not taking little things for granted, and maintaining more of your independence, to name a few.​​​​​​​

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