Foreign Knowledge: How to Select an International School in Singapore

Published - 01 February 2021, Monday
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An international relocation, as is commonly remarked, can be both an opportunity and a trial. For those workers with young families, a huge part of the difficulties associated with such a move come from having to uproot not just your own life, but the lives of your loved ones, either by separating from each other for months and years at a time, or by moving them with you away from the life they’ve known.

While having your family with you during the tough early months of relocation to Singapore may help you adjust, you will have your hands more than full trying to ensure your family can find new friends, your partner can find new work, and most importantly that you can find a new school for any school-aged children. With that in mind, here are a few points for you to consider when choosing between Singapore’s huge array of international schools:

What’s on the curriculum – or curricula?

Clearly a huge part of any school’s identity and sales pitch, most parents “shopping” for schools in Singapore ask about this question as soon as a school’s name comes up for consideration. Most international schools fall into one of two categories – those with close ties to a specific nation (Singapore American School, German European School etc) offer the national curriculum of that nation, catering to expats. More internationally minded schools offer the International Baccalaureate curriculum, or offer it in combination with one or more national curricula.

How long will your children be studying in Singapore for?

This is the other big question, and reflects more on your family’s needs and circumstances. If you anticipate a short residence in Singapore (a couple of years or less) then your needs are different – it becomes more important to find a school which can continue the same education and curriculum your children came from and may return to. If you’re settling down for the long run, then continuity of learning becomes a factor. Some international schools offer classes from pre-kindergarten all the way through to senior high school level, and it may be beneficial to enrol children in those schools rather than try and find a new school with a similar curriculum every few years.

Would digital learning be better?

One more question worth asking is whether finding and enrolling in an expensive international school is worth it, especially if you’re only in Singapore for a matter of months. While some families simply need the help caring for their children, others can make do in the short term with home schooling or correspondence learning programs. Different schools have different enrolment fees and obligations, so make sure you consider all your options before making such an important choice as this.

Through our relocation arm SIRVA Relocation, Allied Pickfords can provide “School Search” options for you, before you even arrive in Singapore.  Call us to find out more.

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RATED 7.5 / 8
Very good article and relevant to us as we are looking at moving both our kids to different schools. A school closure has forced us to look at different international schools. Thanks for sharing.

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