6 Tips for Someone Bringing a New Pup Home

Published - 29 January 2023, Sunday
  • 6 Tips for Someone Bringing a New Pup Home

When you bring a new puppy home, there are a lot of adjustments that need to be made on both sides. This means adjusting to an entirely new environment for the puppy: all of the sights, sounds, and smells surrounding it are foreign and unfamiliar. It's important to be patient and understanding as you work through any challenges together.

This means giving your puppy plenty of time and space to explore its new surroundings, creating consistency in your schedule and daily routines, and providing lots of positive reinforcement whenever they do something right. Remember that with a little love and patience, your pup will adjust quickly and soon become a family member!

1. Get Everything You Need Before Bringing Your Puppy Home

Before bringing your new puppy home, ensure you have everything you need to take care of them. This includes food, bowls, a leash and collar, a crate or dog bed, toys, and any other supplies you may need. You should also make sure you have a plan for potty training and socialising your puppy.

2. Choose the Right Food for Your Puppy

When bringing a new puppy home, choosing the right food for its needs is important. One option that is becoming increasingly popular is raw dog food. This diet offers a range of benefits, including promoting healthy digestion, building strong bones and muscles, and boosting overall energy levels. In addition, it usually contains more important nutrients like protein and calcium, which can be crucial for young pups' growth.

Selecting a high-quality food brand with carefully sourced ingredients is essential. This will ensure that your pup gets all the nutrients and vitamins needed to thrive in its early stages of development. Furthermore, you should follow the recommended portion sizes and feeding schedules to avoid overfeeding or underfeeding your puppy.

Providing your puppy with the right food can help them grow into a happy and healthy adult dog!

3. Start Potty Training Right Away

One of the most important things you can do for your new puppy is start potty training immediately. The sooner you start, the easier it will be for your puppy to learn where they should go to the bathroom. You can use various methods to potty train your puppy, so talk to your veterinarian or a professional trainer to find out what will work best for you and your pup.

4. Socialise Your Puppy Early

Socialisation is an important part of raising a well-rounded dog. Exposing your puppy to different people, places, and experiences is important to learn how to behave around others. Puppy classes are a great way to socialise your pup in a safe and controlled environment.

5. Exercise Your Puppy Every Day

One of the most important things to keep in mind when welcoming a new pup into your family is to make sure that you exercise them every single day. Not only does this help keep your puppy healthy and fit, but it also provides an important routine for you and your pet.

There are many different ways to exercise a puppy, so it's important to find activities that your pet enjoys. Some dogs love going on long walks or runs with their owners, while others may prefer something simpler, like playing fetch or chasing toys around the yard. Whatever you choose, the key is to stick with it. Regular exercise is vital for establishing good habits and setting your puppy up for lifelong health and happiness.

6. Be Patient with Your Puppy

Raising a puppy takes time, patience, and lots of love. There will be good days and bad days, but as long as you are consistent with training and care, your pup will eventually grow into a well-behaved dog that is a joy to be around.


Bringing a new puppy home can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Whether you are adding a new addition to your existing family or bringing home a furry friend of your own, there are many things to consider when preparing for your new canine companion. From understanding their unique needs and behaviours to creating a safe and fun environment for them to explore in, every moment spent getting ready will be well worth it once your fluffy little friend arrives.

So if you're ready to leap into pet parenthood, then take the time to prepare so that when your new pup finally makes its way home, you'll be completely ready for them. Because at the end of the day, opening up your heart and home to a loving new pet is one of the best decisions you'll ever make.

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