Yoga for Relaxation

Published - 15 June 2018, Friday

A Hectic life leaves an individual exhausted which leads to improper functioning of the body organs.

Relaxation yoga rejuvenates the mind and body and, stimulates the body functions. 

Everyday life can be quite hectic. Typical week means maintaining a work-life balance, household errands, family gatherings and more!  We doggedly carry forward with our obligations and set of duties because we are obliged to do so. The busy life can negatively impact our physical and mental health and, to restore its well being we need an effective system.  

Yoga is an ancient system of natural healing which slackens the human body and renews the body, mind and spirit. On physical level, yoga improves pliability, posture, and endurance. On mental level, it helps in providing tranquility, improves brain functioning, reduces mental fatigueness and so much more. One of the acknowledged rewards of yoga is that it helps in relaxing the body.   

In the language of yoga, relaxation refers to releasing tensions from body and mind.  Relaxation yoga relaxes your muscles, keeps them responsive to the signals of the brain enabling them to perform endless tasks of a busy day. The overloaded mind is unaware of the surroundings and, uses a large amount of energy. Deep breathing techniques help the mind to calm down leading the practitioner to experience inner peace and heightened spirits. 

The day-to-day activities leave the body in a complete state of tiredness which triggers the sympathetic nervous system, also known as ‘fight response’. This puts the normal functions of the body on hold, such as digestion, detoxification, etc.  The body works bare minimum to survive. The practice of yoga stimulates  parasympathetic nervous system, also known as rest response. It relaxes your body and mind, which helps in  consistent body functions. Indulge in regular practice of relaxing yoga poses to keep the mind and body in the best of shape.

Here is a list of five relaxing yoga poses:

1. Child Pose or Balasana: Begin on your fours and spread your knees hip-width apart. Rest your hips on your heels. Upon exhalation, bend forward, draping your torso between the thighs. Your chest should rest on the top of the thighs and forehead on the floor. Keep your eyes closed. Keep breathing and hold the pose for one minute.

2. Legs up the wall Pose or Viparita Karani: Start the pose by sitting on your left side. Rest your lower back against the wall or a pillow, if you are using one. Gently turn your body to your left side and slowly bring your legs up onto the wall. Now, lie on the floor such that back touches the ground. Ensure your shoulders and head rest on the ground. Keep your eyes closed and, hold the pose for as long as possible

3. Crocodile Pose or Makarasana: Lie down on your stomach with hands folded under the head and palms under the chin. Stretch your legs as far as possible keeping your toes pointed outwards. Gently lift your chest up. On an inhalation, fold both the legs such that the ankles touch the hip. Hold the pose for 15-30 seconds.

4. Reclined Bound Angle Pose or Supta Baddha Konasana: Lie on the yoga mat with legs extended in front of you and palms resting on the floor. Bend your knees and draw your heels towards the pelvis. Ensure the sole of feet is touching together. Rest your arm on either side with palms facing up. Lengthen your spine and relax your hips on the floor. Hold the pose for 1 minute.

5. Corpse Pose or Shavasana: Lie flat on your back with arms at your side and palms facing up. Close your eyes and take deep, slow breaths. Concentrate from the crown of the head to the feet. Release all your tension and relax. Hold the pose for 3-5 minutes.

Take a break from your hectic schedule and relax your body and mind with relaxing yoga poses. 


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