Travel During Pregnancy

Published - 24 January 2021, Sunday

Red Miller from Love Based Birth shares with ExpatChoice.Asia her best tips for travelling during pregnancy.

Red guides couples through a step-by-step process to help them physically, mentally and emotionally prepare for birth. They learn how to manage and significantly reduce the pain of labor, transform their fears into positive action and navigate the health system they are working in. She believes couples who take a leading role in the decision-making process, who build their support team and trust their intuition have far more connected, powerful and joyful experiences of birth.

Preparing to fly

1. Go business class if you can for extra seat and leg room!

2. Hydrate hydrate hydrate the few days leading up to flying, the longer haul it is the more hydrated you want to be before you get anywhere near the plane. Coconut water is a good one for hydration - drink 1-2 per day 2 days before you fly. Get one of the good packaged ones (without palm sugar) to bring with you to the airport because you can't carry it on drink it right before you board

3. Get an isle seat so you can get up and out easily

4. Don't forget to pack your magnesium take it at take off to help relax and also the days following the flight

5. Pack some protein snacks in case you get hungry - good protein bar or mixed nuts/dried fruits. Pack herbal tea bags for the flight like camomile if you are a tea drinker. If you use rehydration packets like recharge then pack that to have on the plane

6. Pack whatever medical records you'd want to have with you just incase you need to see a doctor/midwife while you are away

7. Tell your baby about the trip and the flight so they're prepared too

8. Start boosting your immune system, good rest, exercise, Vitamin C, low sugars, probiotics, echinacea tea (pack all your immune boosters)

9. If you have constipation tendencies avoid eating too much bread, rice, or other carb/binding foods the 2 days before you fly

10. Pack 2 boxes of Epsom salts so you can have a nice bath the first 2 days you are at your destination! This not only supports your immune system and helps you get rid of those plane stuffed nose/sore throats but it will also help you deal with climate change without getting sick

11. The night before and morning of the flight massage an extra layer of coconut oil on your belly and rest of your body are SO dehydrating also for your skin!

Once in the air

1. Skip the champagne!

2. Hydrate

3. Move frequently. If you've never read the card / section in the back of the magazine in the seat pocket of in flight exercises then today is your day! Practice them all. Plus get up at least every hour and walk the aisles

4. Taking magnesium (up to 800mg) to help you relax (Disclaimer: only do 400 mg if you aren't used to taking magnesium and don't know if your body can cope with a bigger can cause diarrhea which obviously is the last thing you need.)

5. Catch up on that birth book you've been meaning to read (Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, Hypnobirthing, Birth Partner, Active Birth are all good reads) or listen to your relaxation tracks and take an opportunity to BREATHE

6. Make sure you have a mask or shawl to cover your nose/face in your handbag in case they are doing any spraying on the plane! Put a few drops of lavender on it if you use oils

Once you land

1. Hydrate, magnesium, nap when you can and don't over pack your schedule too much!

2. Watch out for constipating foods if you are prone. This is the time it can be easy to get clogged bowels

3. Drink coconuts to rehydrate if you are somewhere with access to them

4. Coconut oil or body butter that skin!

5. Dont forget to use the Epsom salts for a nice relaxing bath!

Brought To You By ExpatChoice.Asia

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