Spring Clean Your Life By Starting Here

Published - 01 February 2021, Monday

Elika works with professionals with time constraints to help them achieve their health goals through nutrition, exercise & providing clean eating fun food through a CBD educational food cafe.

1. Nutrition:


So you have eaten your body-weight worth of processed foods or your body has, without you even realizing, ensured its survival through winter by craving all those comfort foods, now leaving you feeling a little on the plump side. Its time to clean up your diet. Read more on the concept of Real Food and the 80/20 principle here. This is how I live in order to retain the right balance of eating those foods that my body loves and therefore processes easily – versus processed foods that my body would ideally not want but where my lifestyle requires a bit of balance. So if you are walking straight into the coffee shop every morning then a small change could be to swap your latte with a banana muffin, to a green tea with a bag of nuts and a banana and voila! Real Food!

2. Relationships

Do you have a relationship that feels more effort than joy? Often we find in our ‘troop’ someone who appears to take more than they give. This can often lead to frustration and a feeling of disappointment. Do you know what I mean? You find yourself asking, “Why am I going out of my way to make effort with this person without any pleasurable experience?”. Sometimes its hard to make the choice but whether it be a close friend, family member or work colleague, it might just be time to prioritize our own joy.

3. Fitness

What is your fitness regime like? It doesn’t take long before we don’t get results from the exercise routines we have created. I usually can see that after 4 weeks of doing something similar, I need to change the exercise – up the weights by around 2kg or try something different. I love utilizing ‘compound movements’ that work more muscles and moving in circuit style from one functional exercise to the other. Check out my youtube channel if you are looking for some moves for inspiration.

4. Relaxation time

Do you ever have the feeling you are just running from A to B? Sitting down is a luxury you just don’t have time for. No wonder the cases of Adrenal Fatigue (overuse of the adrenal glands) is rife. If you are anything like me, a ‘Type A’ personality profile who is NEVER happy unless the ‘To Do’ list is completed, then you will understand that you may need to schedule time into your diary to do nothing! I know the thought may seem impossible but hey, having time out is a true spring clean of the mind, whether it be yoga, a walk with nature, a mindfulness practice. The mind needs time to switch off and reset.

Spring clean your life by starting in these areas. They don’t require big changes. Do them incrementally. Trust me, you will definitely walk away feeling a lot lighter!

Brought To You By Expat Choice

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