Non-Diet Approach To Intuitive Eating

Published - 16 January 2021, Saturday

Have you been on and off diets your whole life? Do you have rigid rules around food? Are eating behaviors such as binge eating or dieting part of your life? Do you feel at war with your body?

The Non-Diet Approach will help you reconnect with what your body needs to feel more relaxed around food, and in your body as it is.

Hello! I’m Nicole Kopel, an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Nutritionist. I am the founder of Eat in Peace, and support individuals, families and communities to reach their health and wellbeing goals. I do this through a non-diet approach, focusing on eating behaviour.

Eating can be exciting, enjoyable and an important part of social life for  many people. To others, food and eating is nothing special – it’s just something we have to do to survive. To others, eating can be a battle.

A battle between the voices in our heads telling us to eat this and not that. A battle between our inner self and the voices around us in society and the media. Or a battle between parents and children at meal times.

Through Eat in Peace, I can help you to do just that – eat in peace from the noise in your head, the noise around you, and the noise at your table.

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