Hidden Muscles and How to Find Them

Published - 30 December 2021, Thursday
  • City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy

The muscles around our pelvis, hips and abdomen are known as core muscles because they are both important – you use them in nearly every movement – and because they’re located right in the centre of your body.

Imagine luxuriating in a hammock, its supple and supportive curve flexing gently as you move. What might happen if the fibres of the hammock were either too tightly strung or else had worn down to sagging looseness?

Hidden Muscles

Your pelvic floor is like this hammock – a network of muscles, ligaments and tissues which play an important role in securing organ position, excretion, good posture, sexual function and breathing. Weaknesses in the pelvic floor and surrounding muscles lead to problems such as back or pelvic pain, incontinence, organ prolapse, poor posture, listlessness, pain during sex or shortness of breath.

Hidden Muscles​​​​​​​

Many factors, including pregnancy, childbirth and surgery can negatively impact the functionality of the core muscles. Physiotherapy to restore pelvic floor strength after giving birth is a therefore a must. In addition, anyone suffering problems such as back or pelvic pain, incontinence, organ prolapse, poor posture, listlessness, pain during sex or shortness of breath should also seek treatment.

How can we repair muscles that we can’t see and or feel? Through gentle external palpation, Marianne Fischer, a women’s health expert at City Physiotherapy and Osteopathy with over 30 years of physiotherapy experience, can assess the condition of your pelvic floor and other core muscles, such as the abdominals.

Marianne offers tailored individual treatment sessions, which include the use of Empelvic, a small cushion especially designed to allow you to feel and understand the way in which your pelvic floor contracts and relaxes, thus reinforcing the neuromuscular connection between it and the brain. Marianne also offers fun, high energy group classes, to rebuild pelvic floor and core muscle strength, helping you to avoid embarrassing issues such as loss of bladder and bowel control.

City Osteopathy & Physiotherapy’s experienced team offers a variety of other treatments too. For more information about how osteopathy, physiotherapy, naturopathy, sports massage and nutrition can help you to Move Better, Live Better, or book an appointment with Marianne.

a. 1 Fifth Avenue, #03-02 Guthrie House, Singapore 268802

w. https://cityosteophysio.com/

s. www.facebook.com/cityosteophysio/

e. [email protected]

t. +65 6314 4440


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