8 Best Ways Women Can Combat Heart Disease

Published - 27 April 2021, Tuesday
  • Heart Disease

Heart disease is an extensive term that denotes various heart and blood vessel diseases. Heart disease is usually used interchangeably with cardiovascular disease.

In Singapore, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death amongst women. Ischemic heart disease, in particular, is a type of heart disease developed by female patients ten years later. 

Unfortunately, many women are still oblivious to the threat posed by this silent killer. According to the 2020 Go Red For Women Survey that the Singapore Heart Foundation commissioned, only 9% of Singaporean women are well aware that heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death among Singaporean women. Luckily, women can lower their risk of heart disease in several ways. Here are eight best tips you can do to prevent heart disease.

Know Your Risk Factors

Nine out of ten women have at least one heart disease risk factor. These risk factors include diabetes, smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and a family history of premature heart disorder. 

Obesity can also increase the risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure and prediabetes, all of which may put you at a higher risk of developing heart disease.

Manage Existing Health Conditions

You should monitor your existing health conditions, including high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. Contact your doctor to get advice on the best possible treatment plan.

Recognise Heart Attack Symptoms in Women

Below are some common heart attack symptoms in women:

  • Pain or tightness in the chest, neck, arms, jaw, abdomen or back
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Extreme fatigue

Like men, the most common symptom of a heart attack in women is discomfort in the chest. However, you can have a heart attack without feeling chest pressure or ache. Women are more likely to experience other symptoms than men, such as jaw pain, back pain, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting and indigestion.

Do Regular Physical Activity

You do not have to finish all activities at once. If you dislike going to the gym, you can exercise at home. Walking is an easy way to start. You should carry out at least thirty minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise a day for most of the week, such as brisk walking. 

To get the most health benefits, you should get sufficient aerobic exercise each week to get your heart pumping and muscle-building activities. Be sure to ask your doctor about the right amount of exercise for you before starting any exercise regimen.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight helps lower your risk for stroke and heart disease. If you have a heart disorder, a healthy weight can help you manage the ailment and lower your risk of getting heart attacks. Steady and slow weight loss is the best way to lose weight and stay healthy. Speak with your doctor about how much weight to lose and the best way to lose weight.

Make Heart-healthy Food Choices

You should consume fruits and vegetables at every meal. Increase your whole grain intake, but limit added sugars and saturated fat. If you want to eat meat, pick the leanest piece of meat available and prepare it healthily. 

The Nutrition Facts label can give you important information about the packaged foods you are buying, including saturated fat, serving size and added sugars. You can check with your doctor to confirm the best food options for you.

Cut Back on Cigarettes

If you are smoking, try quitting. Speak with your doctor for advice on the best treatment or strategy for you.

Go for Regular Checkups

It is crucial to get annuals check-ups from recommended women’s clinic Singapore to assess the risks to your heart health. Early detection and treatment can reduce pain and prevent complications like stroke, heart failure and kidney disease. 

All adults eighteen years of age and older should be screened for cardiovascular risk factors. Those with long-term kidney disorder, high blood pressure and chronic diseases like diabetes are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease and should go for regular screening according to their doctor’s recommendations.​​​​​​​


Every woman can take steps every day to move toward a more heart-healthy lifestyle. Going for cardiovascular screening helps identify your risk of heart disease and make early detection and treatment possible to prevent severe complications.​​​​​​​

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