7 Tips to Help Those Struggling with Stroke Recovery

Published - 29 January 2023, Sunday
  • 7 Tips to Help Those Struggling with Stroke Recovery

Stroke recovery can be an uphill battle for the patient. Though progress may come slowly, there are a couple of things you can do to help with stroke recovery. Here are seven tips to guide you.

Focus on Moving Your Feet

It is important to practice moving your feet and legs as soon as possible after having a stroke. This is a very basic but important part of any stroke recovery. You can start with simple things like wiggling your toes. You can then progress to using a foot drop brace which will help you move and slowly strengthen your legs.

Eat a Healthy Diet

The food you eat is crucial to your overall health. It helps the body keep running smoothly, which will also help with your stroke rehab. You should avoid saturated fat, trans-fats, and cholesterol. You should eat fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats.

It is also important to stay hydrated so that you can keep the body functioning normally. When it comes to drinking water, it is best to drink at least one gallon of water per day. You can also add a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime to your water, giving it a nice flavor and making drinking easier. If you are going out to socialize, try adding some sparkling water or other non-alcoholic drinks to the mix so that you don’t have to stop drinking so often.


Exercise is an important part of your stroke recovery. It will help you gain strength and become more mobile. It also plays an important part in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which helps keep the body in shape for recovery.

Stroke rehabilitation takes time, so it is better to start slowly with light stretching and then gradually increase. You can begin by walking or doing pool exercises if you have access to a pool. Then as your stroke recovery progresses, you can move on to more advanced activities, such as using light weights at the gym.

Get Enough Rest

It is important to make sure you get enough rest. The very act of sleeping will help the body heal more quickly, so it is crucial you get a full night’s sleep. When you are awake, it is important that you keep well-rested by taking frequent breaks throughout the day. This will help prevent you from fatiguing yourself and make sure you stay on track for your stroke recovery.

You should also avoid stressful situations and people. This includes keeping away from negative people, as this can make you feel worse and bring down your confidence. If you find yourself feeling stressed out, try doing something to calm yourself down, such as taking meditation.

Stay Positive

A positive attitude is key to all stroke recovery and will help you in your daily life. You should not dwell on the negatives but instead focus on the positives. If you are having a bad day or are feeling frustrated, try thinking up funny stories or watching comedy shows so that you can put a smile on your face and lift your spirits. Try to think of everything you have been through as an opportunity to be stronger and better.

Get Help from Family and Friends

You should always let people help you. Whether it is with personal care or household chores, they will be able to help you out and prevent you from becoming stuck with work that you can’t do yourself. It’s important to be open to asking for their help and not allow pride gets in your way.

Be Consistent with Rehab

You should be consistent with your stroke rehab if you are looking for effective stroke recovery. This will help the brain learn how to function properly again and return to its full potential. If you are having trouble with a specific aspect of your stroke recovery, try keeping a journal so you can write down anything that is getting in the way.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the best way to help your stroke recovery is to stay positive and remember you are in control of your body so you have the ability to improve it. Considering these tips will help you take that first step toward a full recovery.​​​​​​​

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