
Published - 29 August 2023, Tuesday

Have you heard of Singapore's Un-Yang-Kor-Dai? It's a terrific Thai restaurant on South Beach Road that specialises in serving up authentic Thai cuisine, particularly from the spicily sour Isaan region.

Isaan food is renowned for its hot, sour meals that will wake up your taste buds! And Un-Yang-Kor-Dai got it exactly right!

Here's the main attraction: Leng Zaap which is a mound of flavorful pork ribs floating in a transparent soup that is hot and tangy. It's even been flambéed right at your table for that Instagram-worthy moment.

Your taste buds are about to dance! So, gather your mates and go over to Un-Yang-Kor-Dai for an exciting tour through Thai cuisine, food explorers. Image Credit: Un-Yang-Kor-Dai Facebook Page 2nd Image Credit

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